Space Agency Wiki

NOTE: This is the sequel to my previous blog "Whitedot System".

So, I found out recently about Angkasa-X's blog about this virus, WannaFry. Our international team, with Mondland and Iroquoia, have traced the source to that VERY SAME PROBE!!!!!!!!!!!!, yes, no, not Pionier Gamma, but a communications satellite in Kepler-82A1C orbit. It is from that land of the Whitedots.

If not because of the virus, we wouldn't have known too much about the Whitedot civilization. So, their planet is a united land, with a very advanced technology, under a totalitarian fascist government called the National Socialists, or Nazi, for short. They conquered their whole planet to gain more room for their so-called Aryan race. As a result, other unfavorable species of Whitedots are being killed. This is a warlike civilization. Perhaps they are at war with us for such a long time, as indicated with the WannaFry virus.

Since they are ~200ly away, we see them as they are in the year 1973. So, we are in the year 2173. Wonder if they discovered FTL travel and will be here in a few years? For that, I may need the help of EVERYONE, as in everybody, to defend the freedom of the HOM-AN RACE!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, let's get in to the real problem.

So, WannaFry is a virus developed by an organism named Konrad Zuse, and classified people in the Nazi party. It has been sent to us, Homans, because of a secret project codenamed Lebensraum II, designed to find other species who to them are less than a civilization so that they can "purify" them. 

It has been sent via a satellite codename [CLASSIFIED] in a 1420MHz frequency in the direction of the SOL-lian Nebula. We have been found to host organisms who act differently from everybody, like autistics, gays, and lunatics.

But, I do not consider them uncivilized! They are still Homans!

Of course. We want a civilization that lets itself be known as a freedom-loving one. "Moon, moon, yes, yes. Yesterday the world and tomorrow the galaxy!" No! We won't let that happen. We cannot allow such a civilization to take over!

So, the WannaFry is our key to uncovering their plan for us!

Help me if you want freedom to go on!!!


Dedicated to Angkasa-X

KaiserRedGamer (D. I.) (talk) 02:55, April 28, 2019 (UTC)
