Moon Base destroyed
Afrer many years of operation, the Moon base was hit by a micrometeorite storm and it was destroyed. The LSO station was hit but not as hard as the moon base. On that note, GSA HQ decided it would be best to create a more sophisticated one on the ruins of the old one. So excpect further news regarding the new Moon base
GSA Telecomuncation Centre (GTC)
With the completion of the Alpha 1 station coming closer and closer, GSA HQ has considenred to build a communication station to receice and transmit information from the far regions of our solar system. It will also enable higher download rates for the BBM1 and BBM2 probes millions of units into space. That's why the GSA Telecomuncation Centre (GTC) was proposed at GSA HQ as of today. The slowly rotating 154 part station will boast 32 antenas for receiving and sending info to all stations, bases and probes of GSA. The GTC is gonna be placed near PUR, as this side of the solar system is closer to the BBM2 probe. Here is the blueprint:
GCL construction is complete
The GCL is now complete. Its exact location remains a secret, even amongst GSA HQ. 2 astronauts were already sent there to test out the docking, activation/dectivation and undocking protocols, as well as to transfer critical files.
GSA Confidential Library (GCL)
A new blueprint has been submited to GSA HQ. The GCL or the GSA Confidential Library is going to be built and moved to a top secret location and it's thought to be containing very important files concerning GSA HQ. Anyone given the coodinates will have limited time to access the station, This is done by having little power generation on the station. So 2 pods are required, the one carrying the astronauts, and a battery filled automated one. All the sensors around the station make sure that noone is close enough to it. IF something is in proximity of the station, GSA HQ is immediately alerted. Blueprint is available below.
ENC Study Project (ESP)
ESP or ENC Study Project is a new science station of the GSA. Located at 750 units away from ENC it can see if any asteroids or any other space object crashes on the surface. The blueprint was submited today at GSA HQ. The side that faces ENC is equiped with 8 MSS Sensors and 4 Cupolas for visual studies. The other side features 2 airlocks for crew docking and 6 antennas for data transmision. It also features an autonomous part that can get closer of further away from ENC and transmit to the main station radio studies of the moon. Construction will begin as soon as it gets approved by the GSA HQ.