Space Agency Wiki


A Carbon Dioxide Scrubber is an item used to "scrub" (remove) carbon dioxide from the air. It is intrinsically just a filter that makes the air inside a spacecraft or space station safer to breathe.

The rate at which it depletes depends on how many modules it must clear of carbon dioxide, and on how many scrubbers there are. When a Carbon Dioxide Scrubber is depleted (full) it can be cleaned (have the trapped carbon dioxide removed) by placing it into the empty slot of a powered Oxygen Garden.

Removing the scrubber will cause carbon dioxide to rise to the amount of pressure in the module. At full pressure in a single module, it will take 67 seconds for the carbon dioxide to rise to the max level once the scrubber is removed.


  • Similar to the Oxygen Tank, the Carbon Dioxide Scrubbers' depletion rate is determined by the number of scrubbers.
  • A station, if it has an Oxygen Garden, will prioritize using Oxygen Tanks and Carbon Dioxide Scrubbers over using the Oxygen Garden.